Getting a Beard Trim (Checklist)
I think you can agree, getting a beard trim is a very nerve wracking experience, especially if it’s your first time!
In this post I am going to give you my beard trim checklist to help ease your mind, make the experience more enjoyable and most importantly help to make sure everything goes as planned.
Here are the six items that I recommend making sure you’re able to cross off your list before getting your beard trimmed:
#1 Timing
Make sure the time is right for a beard trim. More often than not, men new to their beard will think they need a trim far too soon. Keep in mind that your beard is going to go through awkward stages and there will be times your beard surely does not look its best. I wouldn’t recommend getting a trim within the first three or even four months. You have to give your beard adequate time to show you what it’s made of. I always recommend growing your beard longer than your desired goal length before getting it trimmed and shaped, this way the barber has something to work with. After all, he can’t shape what’s not there. Be sure not to get it trimmed prematurely to ensure there is enough length to get your desired shape.
#2 Find a Barber
I cannot stress this point enough, research, research, RESEARCH! You put a lot of time and effort into growing your beard, don’t make any hasty decisions. It doesn’t have to happen right away. Take the necessary time to ask around, read reviews and make sure the barber specializes in beard trims. Beard trimming is an art; anyone can shave off what you’ve spent months growing. It’s not about how much hair is trimmed, but WHICH hairs are trimmed. A great beard barber will trim all the right hairs to make your beard look amazing, without taking too much off. Nowadays most barbers have a Facebook page, read reviews! Do your homework and you won't be sorry. I prefer a barber who has a beard himself as he can better appreciate what your beard means to you and better understand what look you’re going for.
#3 Schedule & Prepare
This one is especially important if you’re like me and were always used to just going into whatever walk in barber or salon chain to get a haircut. To me, a haircut is just a haircut, if they mess it up it will only last a couple weeks. A bad beard trim could set you back three to six months if you’re not careful. So once you’ve found your barber of choice, be sure to schedule an appointment for a time when you and the barber both have ample time, the last thing you want is to be in a hurry and for your barber to feel rushed.
#4 Clear Communication
Don’t skimp on this step and end up regretting it. Decide what it is you want to accomplish from getting your beard trimmed before you go and be sure to convey the desired result clearly to your barber. Be sure not to leave out any details such as length and shape. BE SPECIFIC! A picture speaks a thousand words, if you can find a picture of someone with the beard look you’re trying to achieve that will be great assistance. This could also help the barber determine if it’s even time for a beard trim or if you should come back with a couple months of growth to be able to attain the shape you’re going for.
#5 Sit Back & Relax
You’ve done the research, you’ve thought about what you want out of this beard trim and you’ve found the perfect barber to help you get there. It’s time to sit back and enjoy the beard trimming experience, you’re in good hands. You also want to make sure you’re in a relaxed state as to not make any sudden movements that could end in a beard catastrophe. As nerve wracking as it can be leading up to the time of your beard time, actually getting your beard trimmed is a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.
#6 Tip Your Barber
If you've enjoyed your experience and the end result is pleasing, make sure to tip your barber. It took a lot of time and effort to find the right barber and to express to him or her the look you’re going for. You want to build a long and lasting relationship so when you return you know your beard is always in good hands. This will save you a lot of work and worry in the future. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.
Just follow this simple checklist and you’ll be sure to walk out of the barbershop looking and feeling like a million bucks!
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