The BEST Beard Oil?

What is the best beard oil? -

The BEST Beard Oil?

I'm sure you've heard or seen a company claim "We have the best beard oil on the Market".

Do they really?

"What is the best beard oil?" is a question that I'm seeing a lot lately on most forums and social media platforms. The problem with this question is that it's very subjective. Sure, the quality of beard oil definitely varies from company to company, but to say something is the BEST is very subjective. Whether or not a beard oil works for you or fits your needs is almost entirely personal preference. There are so many variables to a beard oil that can determine whether it is BEST for YOU or not.

Here are just a few of the variables:

  • Carrier oils - This is the base of the beard oil. It can be made up of any mixture of carrier oils, usually consisting of jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, etc., the list goes on and on. (We won't get into the benefits of each carrier oil in this post). The carrier blend can be very simple, or very complex. It can be a very light and absorbent blend, or it can be a heavy blend. It's all about what works best for your beard. This is the most important variable in my opinion because it will determine how your beard and the skin underneath feels and reacts.
  • Scent - The scent of beard oil can be made up of pure essential oils, fragrance oils or a combination of both. It all depends on what you're looking for and what your preference is, not to mention there's a WIDE array of different scented beard oils out there and everyone's taste is different. Some men even like an unscented beard oil due to the close proximity to the nose and also to not interfere with their favorite cologne.
  • Delivery - This comes down to personal preference as well. Do you want a dropper bottle, an orifice reducer cap, maybe a spray pump? What might be the best delivery method for you may not be the best for someone else.

There are also some small aesthetic variables such as labeling, packages, and the shape of the bottles.

Have some fun with it, try out different beard oils and see what works best for you. SAMPLE PACKS are the key!

Beard Booze Sample Pack